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Try This Tip For

Improved Distance Control

A lot of golfers have trouble controlling their distance around the greens and even from 50 or 60 yards out.  This video will show you a tip to help you develop a feel for these shots at the range, so that you can confidently control your distance on the course.

Practice To Own Every Shot

Here’s a tip for the more advanced golfers. When you go to the range, you have the choice of what hat to wear.  Most better golfers choose the "performance hat", trying to hit the perfect golf shot every time.  And therein lies the problem.  If you’re always trying to perform, you never really practice.  In this video we discuss putting on the "practice hat” and working to have gain 100% control over every shot, instead of always trying to hit the perfect shot.

Control The Direction 

of Your Golf Shots

Having problems with hooks and slices?  Would you like to have more control over the direction of your shots?  Check out this video for some helpful drills to help you gain more control on the direction of your shots and avoid those unwanted surprises on the course.

The Secret to an

In-to-Out Swing Path

Coming over the top on a shot will result in the dreaded pull, hook, or slice.  So how do we produce a consistent in-to-out swing path so that we get the ball flight that we want?  The answer starts with the take away.  This video tip will show you a great drill to help you correctly place the club in the backswing to eliminate those over-the-top shots.

Eliminate Topped Shots

Having problems topping shots?  Here's an easy drill to help you gain confidence and make better impact.  The mistake most golfer make is swinging up, which causes us to top shots.  By learning to swing down, we can make better impact with the ball and eliminate those topped shots.

Overcome Shot Anxiety

The mental aspect of golf can be just as difficult as the physical skills.  Does your practice shot feel great, but you just can't seem to duplicate that feeling when you go to hit the shot?  Many players develop what I call "shot anxiety", that feeling you get  when your muscles tighten and your swing motion just seems to disintegrate.  Here's a drill that I recommend to my students that will help you relax and defeat shot anxiety.

For more golf tips and videos, visit

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